Thursday, December 10, 2009

finally my murderous examinations have come to an end, and my flustered heart has found serenity, and peace.

my winter holidays have at last, reached my doorsteps.

it took me close to a day to arrive at Vancouver, with a transit in Taipei.

the only torture; long flight, and insufficient legroom for a monster like me, will result one to suffer from extreme body aches after landing.

the cold weather here, -7 degrees, reminds me of the days i was back in Shanghai. The only difference is, i am not alone. i am glad Sealion accompanied me here and even went all the way to visit my already old and wrinkled granny when we were transiting in Taiwan given the short time we had.

i miss the air back home in my hometown.

i miss my family.

and i miss the food.

somehow, i cannot write anymore as i am drowned in the million emotions and thoughts running about in me that i no longer know what to say. it is like you know how it feels, but it's unspeakable, and inexplicable. if only i could steal a piece of my thought and play it on a video, but reality does not permit.

nonetheless, i guess, i could only say, at the very least, i am happier now, even though it appears as though i have vanished into thin air.

sometimes, it is just plain beautiful, to live a simpler life.

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