Monday, October 5, 2009

a sudden insane impulse thought, and i stripped my hair so short it almost appears bald.

my friends thought that i was a jailbird just released, the others thought i was an army boy, while the rest was just pure devilish laughter.

the best i have heard so far, the only one in fact, was that my childhood days were returned to me.

i guess i have fallen into the indefinite abyss of severe depression after i see my personal reflection in my mirror which almost disintegrated into millions of pieces hanging from the bathroom in my room.

and my resolution is, i will ensure myself to fit into my headgear for the next two months before hair starts to grow and i look more human than an ape trying to devour all the bananas hanging on the tress and catching fleas for my similar species on the trunks.

Sea lion was so kind and silly, offering to go bald too to make me feel better so as to let me know that i am never to be alone in the rocking boat. although i know it is an implausible thing to ever happen, i supposed the thought itself was well spoken of.

thank you.

sometimes when it comes to loving someone, it is not about seeing someone's perfection and swooning over it, but it is more of coming to the acceptance of that someone's flaws. it is an easy chore to come to an agreement with someone's positive points but it is also easier to get put off with just one tiny winy little blemish and that is when you come to the unkind realization that maybe you just did not love that shadow casting next to you enough to be able to share the same bed, the same dining table, the same path of life together till the end of time.

this is how the magical love works. everything that was once unbearable, becomes endurable in your complicated lonely heart. every act which appears imbecile to the entire world, will deem silly and adorable to you, and only in your eyes.

love, is an inexplicable emotion which till now, leaves me with numerous question marks on how it even exists. but then again, although it is still an unresolved issue to many of us, i supposed god has his reasons to implant it in us and thankfully, with it, our lives become slightly more adventurous and happier. although i cannot deny through the walks of our lives, thorns of the roses do prick, but i always had this belief that someone out there, at the other end of the world awaits for your search, and your hand.

never give up, because each obstacles teach you lessons you need to know, to meet the immaculate one who will be willing to walk down this aisle with you indefinitely. after all, nothing falls off from the sky freely.

i hope my optimism will keep me surviving long because i know there was once, i lost faith.

on a separate issue, i really wish i could turn back time to the happy times whereby four of us were together. but i guess that this time round, i would rather put a halt to all and stop breathing as it appears to me, all is fruitless to me.

all the best to you, and your future endeavors.

i guess this is right.

"what is changed, cannot be undone. what's undone, cannot be changed."

fly, and soar as high as you can because you should know that your potential is beyond that boundless sky. do not let others distort your judgment. anyway it is good knowing that you are doing great.


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