today, i spoke to mummy and somehow, from the dictatorial voice that she uses to hide her fragile side, i could sense her pain, and her sorrow.
sometimes, i wished i come from a family who presents their love, and affection for one another more explicitly, so each time, i could figure out easily, their love, and warmth for me and saves me the hassle to guess what lingers upon in their massive thoughts. but sadly, life is never just and the depressing truth is, the family which my lord has endowed me, is entirely the opposite from what i hoped for.
i descended into a traditional family who finds hugging, and saying "i love you", so difficult. however, although the love we have for each other has barely been openly spoken of, i managed to discover and conclude that the immense love my folks have for me, is immeasurable, and noble.
when the world collapses and everyone scatters in different direction for survival, you will realize, only your love ones, stays side by side with you, holding on tightly to your hands, and protect you from the falling sky.
someway, somehow, i know i am proud of my mummy. A woman who came to this unfamiliar land as a total stranger, and abandoned her own comfort zone in Taiwan, to fight for a future she believed would be bright. for all she has done and accomplished, i can only tell her, she is my hero, and my pride.
she told me today that love is great and that true love perseveres in any unsightly complex situations. Giving up is never part of the story. through the arduous journeys that she has struggled through, with the Lucifer, who occasionally played by her ears, deluding her beliefs, and depleting her judgments, she never gave in for she knows her love for us, could overwhelm any hardships in her life.
the bible was immaculate, love is indeed one of the most powerful word in this world.
mummy, i love you.
that goes to you too, my sea lion.
sometimes, it just takes three words to make our life more meaningful.
Love, Hope, and Believe.