Sunday, September 6, 2009

sometimes, one can just simply get so tired of explaining. but does keeping silence equate to consent? or does it has another alternative to just being a yes?

i get so jaded of having to speak, and so far, till date, even as i know so much has happened, i refused to mutter a single word so as to keep every issue that has been placed abreast as less complicated as it can get because i know, sometimes, defending oneself will only make anything more complex than translucent.

like what i always believed, time is the best solution, or even considerably the most effective medication for most problems one can face as i know, there is always a path to walk on when one reaches the junction of another road corner.

it doesn't matter to me how many people tell me about whose fault is it or whether i am labeled as the Mr Bad Guy as these does not concern me any further, not because i enjoy the limelight of being a jerk, but i know, no one has the prerogative to judge, as they are not me to say.

those who knows you well enough, will know when to trust, and when to stay by your side.

for those who doesn't, well, sad enough, you never get the whole world to be your friends, and that is probably also the best reason why they say best friends are hard to come by.

i am elated i stayed away from all those unsightly affairs, and entirely negated those unfriendly beings from making my life any further, depressing. after all, why waste my breath for i should keep it for something, which worth more than just their absurd boredom.

life is definitely, full of surprises, and human beings, are definitely amazing as each different character, tells a very different story.

this is the play of life.

sit back and enjoy the art of god.

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