Thursday, May 14, 2009

i must say that the one day road trip was extremely taxing, and now i finally have the experience of driving long distance. it requires a person's maximum focus, because one slightness mistake made can result in a serious accident at that high speed.

anyway, i have to conclude that the Malaysian drivers do have good road etiquette compared to Singaporeans and this is very consequential because it helps to keep accident rates lower. flashing light does not really contain any hostile connotations, it just acts as a reminder that you are coming fast and the driver in front should not switch into your lane. unlike in Singapore, some people's world can collapse if you flash or horn them. (read my previous entries on AH BENG DRIVERS.)

it felt good driving and i thought i was the president whereby everyone gave way to me. of course the speed i was traveling, was rather dangerous. at an average speed of 160km/h, my friends and i managed to travel to KL in two hours. and guess what, i managed to clock 180km/h on my speedometer! in the midst of the journey, we stopped by Malacca to taste their famous chicken rice balls and Gula Melaka. for once, i decided to forgo my "healthy" diet, and eat all these delicacies placed in front of me.

i have to admit, this day trip was worth it and i would want to do it again. it was fun, and i had to thank my best friend, J, for having to feed me sweets like perpetually to keep me awake while we were driving back at 2am.

i was SO EXHAUSTED and i swear i never hated driving more than ever.

anyway, i am looking forward for my trip to Taiwan tomorrow. finally, i get to go back and visit my relatives again. i feel more and more detached from a place i find my home as i can no longer fit in time slot to return more frequently. this time round will be a fresh new experience because i had never touched down there in summer. after all, i already have my fair share of HOT BLAZING days back home in Singapore, i will not want to be at anywhere whereby the temperature goes beyond 20 degrees.

A good time away because i think i need a break from back home. take it as a detoxification process for all the adverse effects of alcohol in me, or maybe just a relief from all the problems that i might have here. anyway i will have to behave because family back there are much stricter. i wonder how i am going to conceal my huge tattoos which will most probably cause a huge hoo-ha when my aunties see it. my new hair cut makes me look like a NERD.

my late nights will cease and clubbing will stop. at least my life will resume its normality functions which is better this way after all i fall sick rather often because of the erratic weather Singapore has.

i think i will grow fat and die eating there and i hope that swine flu will not stretch its reign to Taiwan so that i will not be quarantined when i come back to home.


1. i-poddy
2. i-applicious phone
3. mac book
4. dsrl
5. digital camera
6. running shoes
7. swimming wear
8. clothes
9. undergarments
10.story books
11.necessities dryer polar bear

i hope i have every thing with me!

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