Thursday, April 16, 2009

blood shot eyes

i am down with eye infection again, and i think i am very prone to suffering from viral attacks on my pair of vision tools, which means once in a while, i will appear like some vengeful ghost with blood shot eyes that will give you glares that takes away your life.

well, that is not the point, it just irritates me because i feel like i am perpetually tearing. and i have to put on my spectacles, that many mistaken me as some army boy still. yes i am in love with black frame glasses, because that is the only type that makes me look good wearing them.

but no matter what, it just transforms me into a geek.

i just realized that the physics i have taken this semester is frying my brains dry. although it is an open book examination, with the difficulty of the paper being so tough, you will probably find flipping to the pages of assistance you bring into the hall, highly redundant. i will rather they set a more approachable set of questions and forbid us from bring our aid into the fighting ground.

this is frustrating because i feel like my effort put in for studying physical science going down the drains which inevitably, makes me feel like an absolute loser because i simply cannot understand or force feed any facts into my rigid brains.

this is depressing.

so tomorrow, i hope to score only half of the killer paper, and hopefully, the magic of the bell curve, can move me up to a B, and i mean a flat B, not even touching a B+.

god saves me.


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